Your fishing line is the only thing that connects you to the fish you hooked. If you are fishing a monofilament line you need to make sure your line is up to par to get that fish into your hands. A lot of anglers just starting out in fishing may not properly take care of their fishing line resulting in loss of fish both large and small. Knowing when to change your monofilament line is important but do know you need to know how long does monofilament line lasts. This guide will explain when to change your fishing line and what to look for to know you should be changing your line soon.
What is monofilament fhsing line?
Monofilament fishing line is made from a continuous single filament of nylon. Depending on what brand you purchase the monofilament will be a little different in terms of stretch, abrasion resistance, and overall line strength.
Mono fishing line is very popular and much more cost-effective than other types of line like braid fishing line.
Anglers depending on the species like the fact that the monofilament line has stretch in it allowing for some forgiveness when fighting a fish.
How long does monofilament last when spooled?
In the world of fishing lines, monofilament is the most cost-effective fishing line on the market. And it’s one of the more popular types of line for many reasons. However, there are some issues this type of line can have especially when it is left in direct light as the mono will break down causing stiffness and weakness.
This holds true with other line types also. Braid and fluorocarbon should not be left in direct sunline for prolonged periods of time when you are not fishing.
In terms of time once spooled you should see around 6 to 12 months of use. But this can change drastically for those who fish hard and changing the outline could go down to a month or two.
Some guidance on how long monofilament will last once spooled on a reel:
- Fishing very often: 4 months
- Moderate fishing: 6 to 8 months
- Very light fishing: 1 year
How long does monofilament last in storage?
When storing mono in the proper conditions you should see a shelf life of about 16 months. However, some brands may see from 1 to 2 years. Others may see a shelf life of up to 3 years at the very most, but this is not the norm.
What causes monofilament line to weaken?
We have touched on some things that could weaken mono line over time. The below are some of the most common things that can cause mono to weaken:
- Prolonged UV light
- Fighting large fish
- Waiting too long to change the line (Over 12 months or longer)
- Bad fishing rod guide (Chipped or bad guide can destroy line when you cast and reel in causing the line to fray)
How long does fluorocarbon line last in storage?
Fluorocarbon has a longer shelf life than nylon monolines. One of the more popular brands called Seaguar can have a shelf life of 7-8 years when properly stored. In a nutshell here is the difference between fluorocarbon lines versus that of regulator nylon monofilament in terms of storage life.
Fluorocarbons are resistant to UV rays meaning they do not get weekend by sunlight. The fluorocarbon material in a line is also resistant against most kinds of acids that can weaken regular mono fishing lines.
Does monofilament line go bad?
In terms of shelf life, there is not a definitive answer but from research, we believe you should get at least 2 years or a little more if the monofilament line is stored in a dry cool place out of direct sunlight.
How often should monofilament line be changed?
This depends on certain conditions and how many times a year you fish. On overage monofilament line should be changed at least once or twice a year. Though some anglers who fish tournaments may change monofilament out every trip if they feel this gives them an edge over the competition.
Some ways to tell when you need to change out your monofilament
One of the most obvious things to look for is fraying of the line. Take your finger and feel the line if it feels like little abrasions or knicks in the line it must be changed. You should regularly be checking your line
- Your line loops really bad when it’s not tight. If you have a slackline and your monofilament loops up really bad it’s time to change out your line.
- Your rods have been in the elements for some time like direct sun or freezing conditions. This can weekend the integrity of the line and it should be switched.
- It’s been at least 12 months and you do not fish incredibly hard.
- You have fought something really large and the line has been damaged.
Related questions
Is braid more expensive than monofilament lines? Yes, braid is typically more expensive than monofilament because of the materials that the braided line is made from. Mono fishing line is typically the least expensive type of fishing line.
How do you properly dispose of old monofilament line? You shout cut the fishing line up into small pieces that are less than 1 foot in length and place that line in a covered trash bin so it can be disposed of properly.
In conclusion
The monofilament line does have a shelf life and it also needs to be changed once on the reel depending on how hard and often you fish. Remember to check your line often for abrasions and for curling when the line is slack are all reminders that you need to change your line.
Failing to change out your line can lead to lost fish and frustration when casting your reel. Keeping your monofilament changed and in good working order will make fishing more fun.